Family Radio CHRI

These Are the Days of Summer

See Two Active Meteor Showers

Day31 StarryNights 330

The stars and meteors have been marveled at for thousands of years. It’s a natural light show that has been gifted to us by God. Now is the perfect time for stargazing for there is not one, but two meteor showers active right now. Below you will find a link on how to make your own planisphere that will let you know which stars and constellations you’ll be able to see during this time of year. If you prefer a digital display, there is a website you can visit called Below are the links to the planisphere craft, the star website, and the forecast for the meteor showers.

1. Make your own Planisphere
2. Stellarium
3. Meteor shower forecast
. Where to watch the meteor showers in Canada

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