Family Radio CHRI

The Glengarry Highland Games are this weekend!

Day28 HighlandGames 330

Since the first Games were held in 1948, the people of Glengarry have extended close to a million welcomes to visitors who come to see what is estimated to be one of the largest Highland Games in the world. Thousands of people find themselves drawn each year to Maxville to witness an outstanding display of music, dance, sports, fiddling, pageantry, and tradition.

In the spirit of the games, try hosting your own version of the Highland Games at home! Get some neighbours, friends, or a church group together and get the competition going!

  1. Tug of war at home - watch this inspo video!
  2. DIY bagpipes at home - checkout this how-to video!

  3. "Hammer throw" with a soft ball or bean bag and a ribbon

  4. Make your own family clan crest - checkout this how-to video!

  5. Loch Ness "nessie" hunt (create a treasure hunt with small prizes that ends with finding the "Loch Ness") - learn more about the history of the Loch Ness Monster!

  6. Kids caber toss (with pool noodle or light weight cardboard tubes) - watch this inspo video!

Interested in attending the Glengarry Highland Games? Get your tickets here.

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