Family Radio CHRI

INTRODUCING theCODE, by Gerry Organ

Untitled design - 2023-05-05T140844.432.pngThis article was written by Gerry Organ of One Way Ministries and theCODE Ottawa.

Pastor Joseph Kiirya of River Jordan Ministries introduced me to the needs of many youth with whom he was acquainted both in his church and in the community. He also shared the plight of single Moms whose sons in various neighborhoods were being killed in night time interactions with others with handguns. One mother told us that she could not sleep at night knowing that her boys were still not home.

Among Pastor Joseph, myself and One Way Ministries, an arrangement was made to host several single Moms to hear their story. It was a most distressing disclosure. Three moms reported on the killing of their sons while others reported on destructive drug use and distribution. We prayed, we consoled and also indicated that we would do as Jesus did: We acted! As I left that meeting, one Mom spoke to me about her son Paul. He was 17 and wanted to become a football player however, she had no means to help him with that dream. I asked her to have Paul give me a call. Finally, two weeks later, Paul reached out to me, as he wasn’t sure he wanted to meet this guy! We met, and we began an incredible journey together. Paul had no identification whatsoever. The only card he had with his name on it was an LCBO card (he doesn’t even drink 😊). There is no “typical” mentee but Paul was our first mentee and our first graduate. In three years we were able to assist him with obtaining necessary documentation so that he could become employable and earn a driver’s license. After 7 years, I still meet with him occasionally because of the relationship we built!

theCODE was birthed in the mind of God so many eons ago. It was evident in the Prophets of old and given fresh life in the Gospels. God loves us and invites us into a journey of love, joy, peace and influence. That ‘influence’ is our one goal in know Christ and make Him known, by inviting others to become followers of the One who died to forgive our sins.

Max Lucado (Author) introduced me to the DNA of Jesus, “every person matters”, expressed most evidently when Jesus saved the apostle Paul! Amazingly, every one of us can express the presence of that same DNA by knowing the presence of Christ within us. From this reality theCODE was born.

theCODE is in an exciting stage of growth as we celebrate our 10 male and 10 female Mentors. All are godly and capable Leaders and Mentors. Our vision is “Leave No Boy or Girl Behind”. The essence of mentoring is the ‘Grand SLAM: Show up – Listen – Affirm - Model Christ.

See videos of Mentees who tell their stories on our website:

We invite you to consider two things:

1. PRAY about the opportunity of becoming a Mentor.
2. CONSIDER recommending young people who may benefit from spending some time on their journey with a Mentor.

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