Trudy's 2019 New Evangelization Notes
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- Category: Blog
- Published: Thursday, 16 May 2019 12:34
Gerald Cardinal Lacroix, Archbishop of Quebec City
Staying focused on our mission in a troubled world and suffering church
As Pope Francis has said “If a member suffers all suffer the pain of abuse. We form one single body of which Christ is the Head.” We are in this together. We cannot turn a blind eye to evil, must do the best we can to focus on Jesus to take on our pain
Scandals blur the capacity to work together. The media focuses on the feast of scandals, not what is good and right. We have to take up the challenge to bear the pain of our fallen. But it’s important not to remain on the floor.
There is no reason to lose heart. St. Paul’s life changed from the moment he was chosen to be an Apostle. By the grace of God he was ready for the mission to make Jesus know.
Need a mechanism in place for healing of the victims of abuse and publish examples of healing.
Focus on relationship with Jesus and others and share in the great family of the disciples of Jesus. The only way to spread the Gospel is after meeting Jesus by developing an intimacy through prayer, meditation and the teaching of Jesus and the church.
Together in Mission
In Baptism we are vested with the mission to share the Gospel with the world. Every Christian has a mission to bring hope to the world. We must allow God to lead us beyond ourselves, to take on a new identity in God, put on our new self in righteousness and holiness. Christ is alive and wants you to be alive.
The church must return to the basics of her first love, Jesus. We need to look to young people to build the civilization of love with their strength and energy. They share in freedom their passion for the Lord.
We must all work with our Christian brothers and sisters We are together in Mission in Christ, family, God’s people.
Offer personal witness in daily activity. Our fundamental project is to attend to the needs of our brothers and sisters.
What many people lack is a relationship with Jesus; they do not know Him, have not experienced His love. The mission ground is the message of love and reconciliation in the name of Jesus.
We will impact the world if we all work Together in Mission.Fr. James Mallon, Author & Founder, Divine Renovation Ministry
Parish Renewal but you’re not in charge! (I.e. not in a leadership position)
Demise happens when the rate of change outside an organization is greater than the rate of change inside (this does not refer to the culture of the world)
A challenging time but there is Hope because of: 1) The God we worship & 2) Having seen parish renewal happen.
In any movement growth levels off if we focus on the past and do not look to the future. ! When the method is more important than the mission then it will die.
The Holy Spirit is doing things; are we going to be cooperative or cling to the model that no longer works? Must let go of the model for the sake of the mission.
The current structure of parishes not working. The motivation must be the mission of sharing Jesus, not self-preservation.
Keys to Mobilize a parish to evangelization:
1) Primacy of evangelization (must also maintain the flock but that is not the primary focus)
2) Devote a lot of time to leadership
3) Rely on the power of the Holy Spirit by the experience of the Eucharist – hymns, homily & hospitality
What is needed is: desire to change, placing people at the feet of Jesus and doing whatever it takes.
What you can do even if you’re not in charge:
1) Pray for parish renewal, pray for the parish, the pastor, bishop
2) Encourage by affirming and building up your pastor
3) Buy in – gives credibility to your comments/suggestions
4) Dream – what you want for the parish and make a list
5) Refuse to make peace with the way things are (Pray before)
6) Pray to the Holy Spirit to come to the parish
7) Influence your sphere of people and inspire hope (love them before you try to lead)
8) Help implement an evangelistic tool to grow disciples and to reach outside the church (suggest the ALPHA Program)
9) Work as a team with your pastor, share responsibilities so your pastor can focus on what he needs to do to lead the parish through change and not spending time doing things that can be handled by others
10) Be a vision carrier for a renewed parish; spread the dream
Invest in the early adopters; once you influence 16% of the parish they will move the rest. You will never get agreement of all.Michael Dopp Founder, Mission of the Redeemer Ministries
We are able because God dwells in our hearts!”
Conviction is needed to get us started, to fuel the action.
I am called to do this!
The fundamental mission of the church is “The Great Commission” and we share that in virtue of our baptism. We are called to holiness and to mission. With the breakdown of family and culture we need to be intentional in this mission. It is the heart of God to reconcile all things, to open up the gates of heaven. There is some work for each of us to do, a particular part of the mission.
I am Able!
God can do anything with me when Christ is living deeply within me. By living out our friendship with Jesus, speaking about that relationship and opening it to others we can bring the fire of God’s love to them.
Jesus sends out people when they are not prepared. The apostles were unprepared. Don’t let fear hold you back. Ask God for courage, just do it, ask what matters in my life. Start with one!
Say I’m ready to be sent out!
Give God permission to do what He wants in your life. Say yes before He tells you what it is. Then God’s dream for our life is realized and we will have a life of joy and full of meaning that leaves an indelible mark on others.
Abuse is a wrecking ball that has gone through the church. We need to judge the church by the saints not by those who have sinned. Because of the scandal in the church, we are needed right now more than ever to be missionaries.
We see the fruits of the new spring time but experience the pain of those leaving the church, those who haven’t experienced a relationship with Jesus, family that have fallen way from the church.
If we set on fire just 3.5 %, the Lord will have a whole army!
Parish retreats and Alpha and similar programs are bearing fruit.Michelle Moran, Founding Member, Sion Catholic Community for Evangelism
The New Pentecost for the New Evangelization Summit
There must be a transformation from deep within that only God can do. For the Holy Spirit to move be expectant that He will come and hear your prayer. Pray for your parish that the Holy Spirit’s breath will come on the whole community and each will be personally touched and sent forthwith a new power for each one personally and for the whole church.
Simply share the Good News with others. We are now living in the days of the New Pentecost.
Reread the Acts of the Apostles and ask the Lord to enlighten you to what it means to live the New Pentecost.
Create a culture of “encounter”.
Evangelii Gaudium (Joy of the Gospel), Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, invites all Christians to a new encounter with Jesus Christ. Be open!
Mission field is in our daily lives; pray that it be prominent to you.
The world out there is desperate for the news of Jesus Christ. The Lord can do more than we can imagine.
Before any evangelization program there needs to be an infusion of the Holy Spirit. Pray and ask the Lord to show us what He is doing in the world. And, ask the Holy Spirit to give you vision of what you are to do. Have a pen and paper in front of you to write down the responses!
Chapter 5 of Evangelii Gaudium speaks of spirit-filled evangelizers that know the fire of the Holy Spirit from within. Forty characteristics are listed. Check them out and make a list. Pray the “Come Holy Spirit” prayer.Fr. Jon Bielawski & Michele Thompson, Co-developers, the Genesis Mission
The Genesis Model
The power of human encounter is the best way to evangelize; make it simple and clear but with zeal and enthusiasm.
We all need to proclaim the Word of God now. Just need to uncover and use what God has given us.
Evangelization evangelizes the evangelizer. A deeper prayer life and Scripture reading give more confidence.
Fr. Jon and Michele have developed the Genesis model that includes a framework on how to step out and engage with others in an encounter.
Pray explicitly for God to show you an opportunity for an encounter.
Use every opportunity to connect.
Communicate openly and listen (a lot)
Acknowledge the nudge of the Holy Spirit, pray silently for words from the Holy Spirit
Use life-giving words that give hope of the Good News of God’s love
Pray explicitly for the person, relevant to their need
Acknowledge a transformation if they look different afterwards
Leave conversion to the Holy Spirit!
Form a group, gather together with those interested and set up regular sessions to learn from each other by sharing encounters that have taken place (without negative comments or criticism of others’ examples)
Use resources that focus on discipleship and discuss, reflect on Scripture and spend time in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
(Note: copy of Genesis Model power point presentation available on request)