Family Radio CHRI


Supporting Women Through Child Loss

remember me stories 1If you have ever lost a child, you are not alone. Sheryl understands the healing that comes with sharing your experience with other women.
Read more to learn how you can find, as well as offer, hope and encouragement.


My name is Sheryl and I was born, raised and now live in the Ottawa valley. Most of my adult life has had some form of interaction with mothers and babies and pro-life. I pause when I hear a story of heartache over miscarriage, infertility, still birth, abortion. It hurts.

My husband and I struggled with secondary infertility and had 3 miscarriages between our two sons –gifts from God. Over the years many friends, acquaintances and even strangers have shared their struggle with me. A couple of years ago I started asking them to write their story down. On one hand the grief and loss is the same but on the other hand each woman has a unique voice waiting to be heard through the telling of her own story and her child's story.
Remember Me Stories is a website dedicated to supporting women who struggle with the loss of their children. It is a place of solidarity and encouragement. Women need to know they are not alone and know that their experience is valuable and worth sharing. Hearing such a story of loss can leave most with a lack for words but my hope is that the website can be a bridge to help those who want to support women struggling with child loss.

Please pray for the women in your life. Many suffer in silence even though more are open to sharing their experience today.

Please share the site with those who are struggling through child loss. There is hope and healing.
(website also features links to resources)

remember me stories 2

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