Family Radio CHRI


Help our Local Christian Book Store


Join us in praying for & supporting Ottawa's only Christian bookstore, Salem Storehouse.  Here's a letter from Mark Peterkins at One Way Ministries.



Dear Friends, 

I wanted to bring something to your attention that I am sure you would want to know about.

Salem Storehouse has been a wonderful fixture in our community for 31 years. Many of you would agree that they have been a blessing to us as they not only provide books, music and gifts, but they help promote events, provide staff at event book tables and have opened a wonderful meeting place at their store on Merivale Road. Or, when your church was looking for a new Sunday school curriculum, Salem was the place to inquire.

There is substantial ministry that takes place in the store. I hear the stories often of how a seeking individual is gently guided to just the right resource.

Doug and Linda Sprunt and their staff have a deep heart for the Christian community and have been great partners with One Way Ministries over the years. They have Kingdom hearts.

As you might imagine, with the shift to online books and music and the growing sales of digital media, business for Salem has become more challenging.

Quite honestly, if the trend continues, Salem will have to close their doors and we will lose the last store of its kind in Ottawa. I want our community to know that before it has to happen.

I know it is easier to purchase your books and music online. I do that from time to time myself. I wanted to make you aware of the situation with Salem because I believe they are more than a supplier of books, music and gifts. They are an important part of our Christian community.

If you'd like to see them continue to serve our city, would you consider using them more than you do? Even if it costs a bit more money? We happily fund effective ministries with donations, why not see Salem in the same light?

Doug and Linda are very aware that they are in a rapidly evolving industry. They are taking steps to re-evaluate their business model and adapt to the changing retail patterns of people. While they shift to a new model, I know they would really appreciate your support over the coming months.

Thanks for reading this and allowing me to share my heart. My hope is that we will see Salem flourish into the future years and that their team can continue to serve this city so effectively.


Mark Peterkins


Salem Storehouse is located at 1558 Merivale Rd.  For hours and directions visit

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