Family Radio CHRI

Mission Vision Values

To use media to strengthen the Christian community.

To become a primary source of inspiration to Christians through the creation and distribution of worthy radio programming, still and moving images, social media, written and spoken words.

Grace, unity, service, encouragement.
Relationship (our team and their families, our listeners, our donors, our advertisers and our suppliers).
Balance between Marketplace and Ministry and between Entertainment and Information. 



The Board of Directors staff and volunteers of Christian Hit Radio Inc. firmly believe the


1) Jesus Christ is the one and only true Saviour between man and God. 1

2) There is only one true God who expresses himself as: 2
God the Father
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit.

3) God reveals himself continuously to the Christian by His Holy Spirit through:
the Bible 3;
the family of Christian believers called the Church 4;
through the believer's daily experience in life 5; and
directly through the still small voice of God 6.

4) The Bible is the Word of God and it is profitable for doctrine, reproof and instruction
in righteousness. There is no other book given by God to man that has equivalent or
more authority than the Bible. The Bible sets the standard by which the believer lives
before God and man. 7


1 Joh 14:6; Acts 4:10-12; Acts 16:30-31.

2 Mat 3:16-17; Mat 28:19; 2 Cor 13:14; 1 Joh 5:7; Ps 33:6.

3 Ps 19:7-11; Ps 40:7; Ps 94:12-13; Ps119:11,105.

4 Joel 2:28-29; Ac 11:5; 1Cor 12:27-28; Heb 10:24-25.

5 Jer 6:16; Jer 7:23; Mi 6:8.

6 1Ki 19:11-12; Jer 20:9; Jer 31:33b-34.

7 Lu 24:27,44-45; 2 Titus 3:16; Rev 10:2; Rev 20:12.


Statement of Faith


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