Family Radio CHRI

The Wednesday Bookmark

Discover new books each Wednesday

9:00am EST on the Morning Express, Brock Tozer will highlight a new non-fiction title
4:30pm EST on the Home Stretch, Care Baldwin will share something new for kids, youth, or young adults.

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer: The Teacher Who Became a Spy

bookmark deitrichbonhoeffer 330In this unique picture book for kids ages 4-8, Shep the sheepdog puppy narrates the powerful tale of how one man bravely followed Jesus during a dark time in world history. REPLAY Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Molly Frye Wilmington.

Purchase Dietrich Bonhoefferhere.

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Don't Let What If? Ruin What Is: A Mom's Guide to Worry Less and Live More

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We're starting a brand new season of The Wednesday Bookmark! Tune in every Wednesday for new author interviews.

Are you losing sleep while your mind jumps to every worst-case scenario? Are you parenting from a place of fear? Alison shares her deeply personal battle with worry and what she has coined her "FIRE process" to give Moms the tools needed to break the habit. REPLAY Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Alison Brown.

Purchase Don't Let What If? Ruin What Is, here.

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My Tender Heart Prayer Book: Rhyming Prayers for Little Ones

bookmark mytenderheartprayer 330We're starting a brand new season of The Wednesday Bookmark! Tune in every Wednesday for new author interviews.

Laura Sassi offers simple yet uplifting prayers for toddlers going through their daily routine, accentuated with a "Heart Moment" for parents to share and ponder. REPLAY Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Laura Sassi.

Purchase My Tender Heart Prayer Bookhere.

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Go Outside: And 19 Other Keys to Thriving in Your 20s

gooutside 330Like Solomon in Ecclesiastes, as we get older, we lament and regret the desires and behaviors of our youth. But what if you could avoid some of the pitfalls and pain so many people experience? REPLAY Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Jared C. Wilson.

Purchase Go Outsidehere.

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Memory Stones: Learn How to Start Trusting God by Proving to Yourself That He Is Faithful

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Are you tired of stressing out and worrying every time you face a difficult circumstance? When a hardship presents itself, do you only focus on the threat in front of you and completely forget about the God beside you? What if you could face your trials with confidence, trusting that God will be faithful? REPLAY Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Tanya Pollard.

Purchase Memory Stones, here.

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