Family Radio CHRI

The You Inside You

youinsideyou 330We are all more alike than we think. Read more for Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with local author Robert Olson.

Purchase The You Inside You here.


Book Description: Are you ready to leave? Are you ready to go to the land far away where the grass meets the snow? Where an ogre, a swamp monster, even a golem, the boogity-man or what-ever-you-call-him, set off on a quest, which you'll see from the start, can melt away even the iciest of heart. But don't be afraid of these monsters you see, they're somewhat like you and a little like me

About the Author: Robert Olson is the Ministries Pastor at Bethel Pentecostal Church in Ottawa. He has a B.A. in pastoral ministries from Horizon College and Seminary and is passionate about God and the church. Rob loves long walks on the beach on moonlit nights, reading poetry in the rain, rainbows, ponies, and the days of yore. He also thinks he’s pretty funny so make sure you laugh at his jokes or he gets a little grumpy.



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