Family Radio CHRI

Justice Summit Recap

justice_summit_poster"Being Willing" was what the speakers at the Justice Summit spoke about. They each explained their story of getting involved in the fight against human trafficking, of not being exceptional but being willing to do what needs to be done. That was the challenge for each of the 400 attendees at the Summit & for each person they go and share the day's events with – are you willing to stop talking about statistic and start changing them?

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Uruguay OCC Update - Final Note

uruguay_final_015I could go on and on about Uruguay, about Samaritan's Purse and the impact Operation Christmas Child is having there and around the world. These few photos taken on my cell phone don't do the experience justice but I attach them to share a glimpse of the journey...



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Simple Ways to Meet Big Needs

servingAre you or your small group looking for a way to help the communiy, to impact an indivual's life?  Sometimes looking at the poverty stats in our world can be staggering but caring for the needy doesn't have to be overwhelming.  

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Standing Together

one_free_worldI attended the event yesterday evening "Standing Together against persecution of Christians" and was overwhelmed at the numbers in attendance (I would guess around 400 or more) of Jewish people and Christians joined together in a common cause.
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Uruguay OCC Update - Mon. Apr. 23

uruguay_day3_01When we arrive at the church in which the children have been gathered, we´re greeted with great love and enthusiasm. Ian Stokes of SP Canada explains that the Uruguayans have been praying for months for the impact that these Christmas shoeboxes will have on their community....


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Uruguay OCC Update - Sun. Apr. 22

uruguay_day2_thumb2The following videos are of children receiving their shoeboxes, giving their lives to Jesus Christ, and a Birthday BBQ (also, check out many photos from shoebox distribution!!)...
(Click here for Care's interview with Ian Stokes (Project Manager for Samaritan's Purse Canada) and CHRI's Bill Stevens) 


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Uruguay OCC Update - Fri. Apr 20

occ_2011Blog Updates from CHRI GM Bill Stevens' trip to Uruguay with Samaritan's Purse Canada where he and his wife, Denise (and others) have the priveledge to distribute Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.


Blog from Friday, April 20th 2012:

It took nine hours to fly from Miami to Montevideo so it was the start of a busy day when we arrived. Ian (OCC) keeps us all together and Pablo (OCC Uruguay) is our translator. These guys and the other Canadians travelling in the group are...

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ALIVE (Natalie Grant)

On Friday, Jesus Christ bore the sin of the world and died on a cross to save us... His followers were left with no leader and no hope. But 3 days later, the stone was rolled away and his tomb found empty. Death has lost and LOVE is victorious! He is Risen!

Take time this weekend to reflect on how relevent this sacrifice is today. He is Risen indeed!

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Praying for Rock the River!

rocktheriver_thmb2Last night I was at the National House of Prayer for a prayer strategy meeting for Rock the River (Sept 29 and 30) in Ottawa.  The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada has said, RtR is the largest Evangelical outreach event in Canada this year and it’s happening in our backyard!  Wow!  As we know, this is also a call to pray, pray and pray!

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The Vow ... Christian?

vowAt church yesterday, the lay leader who was delivering the message, Shannon, showed a clip from an interview with the couple who's story inspired The Vow. I had been wondering over this past week why some Christian media websites that I follow had been promoting the film.. was the movie starring Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams a 'faith-film'?? Add a comment

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