Family Radio CHRI

CHRI New Music Review - Jesus Culture

Check out Care Baldwin's CHRI New Music Review for "Unstoppable Love" by Jesus Culture:
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Reality Check 2, Boutique Jew or Practicing Jew?


It's 7:06AM, I'm at a stop sign waiting for the light to change. The piezo igniter in my brain finally lights whatever gas is in there and I get the green light to drive off. I am going to a special twice a month Thursday morning service held at the un-Godly (for me) hour of 7:30AM.

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The Theatre

altLast weekend my husband and I were Out and About at 9th Hour Theatre Company'€™s presentation of C. S. Lewis'€™ classics, The Great Divorce and The Screwtape Letters. It was interesting to see the themes between heaven and hell, good and evil, and man'€™s endless struggle with sin. C. S. Lewis presents these themes effectively and may I say, brilliantly, in each of these productions.

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CHRI New Music Review - V. Rose

Check out Dan Adams' CHRI New Music Review for "Forever After" by V.Rose:
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Hanging out with Soldiers for Jesus Motorcycle Club

altMy colleague Ewan and I attended the start of a charity motorcycle ride Saturday morning, July 26 organized by the Soldiers for Jesus Motorcycle Club (Ottawa Probationary) in support of Canadian Blood Services.

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10 tips for a stress-free vacation from the office

ashley 100Ottawa researchers have tips for people who find themselves needing a vacation from their vacation.

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Reality Check 1, It's Saturday!

pierre_100I'm not a morning person. I prefer going from unconscious rest to conscious rest, then building up to a long and productive day, as if my life was a daily re-enactment of Pachelbel's Canon.


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CHRI New Music Review - All Sons & Daughters

Check out Ashley Elliott's CHRI New Music Review for All Sons & Daughters new self-titled album:
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Lox, Bagels and Cheesecake For All Part 3

pierre_100It was now time to bring out the Torah from the Ark. With a retinue of servers, a young girl was given the privilege of opening the curtains to the Ark.

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Lox, Bagels and Cheesecake For All Part 2

pierre_100There were well over a hundred people at this Parashat Chukkat Shabbat Morning Service, honouring Rabbi Garten. The whole service made a huge impression on me and internally convinced me that coming to Temple Israel was the right decision.

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