Family Radio CHRI

Testimony - Martin

"It amazes me, yet it should not be amazed, at how gracious and generous the greater Christian community is, especially during the current climate we find ourselves in. CHRI is a beacon for so many, and the work that you all do to further the KINGDOM On Earth as it is in heaven is truly a blessing to all... Praise God from whom all blessing flow." - Martin

Testimony - Anonymous

"Thank you for all that you each do to promote God’s word across the Nation’s Capital and surrounding region. We are extremely grateful and support you."

Testimony - Christine

I just want to thank you [Care] for playing on-point music tonight. I’m having a rough night and every other song seems to speak to me tonight. I’m so thankful for Christian music during moments like these. Thanks for being there." - Christine

Testimony - Mary

"Happy World Radio Day! The radio personalities, show music & content bring positivity and sunshine to all of us every day all day. Thanks for your smiles that you send us through your broadcasts and through the music and playlists that you select." - Mary

Testimony - Ade

"I really like the Powerhouse Radio format for Sunday evenings...good hosts Prosper and the Rae, good mix of worship and interviews of different Gospel artists and comedy from sister Mabel... keep up the good work" - Ade


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