Family Radio CHRI

05-02-12 - Three Free Sins

3_free_sinsIs it too good to be true? The outlandish promise of free sins sounds like it could be. But the truth—says author and seminary professor Steve Brown—is that it is true!  Click here for Brock's interview with Steve Brown, author of "Three Free Sins" from this week's Wednesday Bookmark, brought to you by Salem Storehouse!



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This book is about the misguided obsession with the management of sin that cripples too many Christians. It's about the view that religion is all about sin...about how to hide side sin or how to stop sinning all together.In the Introduction, the author toys good-naturedly with an agitated caller on his radio program, teasing him in a segment where he offers three free sins. The offer is real. Not that Steve has the power to forgive sins, but he wants to make the point that Jesus has made the offer to cover all of our sins – not just three.

Chapter one, titled "Teaching Frogs to Fly," is even better. The gist of this chapter is that you can't teach frogs to fly, just like you can't teach people not to sin. Steve tells a story about a guy who has a frog, and he's convinced he can teach the frog how to fly. The man keeps throwing the frog up in the air or up against walls – all to the poor frog's demise. The message is that even though people can be better, they can never not sin—just like a frog can never learn to fly, no matter how much pressure is put on it.

Steve continues through the book to show readers that while they can never manage sin, they can relax in knowing that they are completely forgiven—not just of three, but of all. 

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