Family Radio CHRI

01-05-11 - That Is SO Me: 365 Days of Devotions


 That-Is-So-MeTake a daily step of faith. Here is the devotional you've been waiting for: a place for everyday inspiration for everyday girls. Click here to listen to Care's interview with Nancy Rue, author of "That Is SO Me: 365 Days of Devotions", from this week's Wednesday Bookmark, brought to you by Salem Storehouse!


20% off! Call 613-727-0203 to reserve your copy or visit Salem Storehouse (1558 Merivale Rd, 839 Shefford Rd or 315 Lisgar St)  Offer only valid for one week from the interview date. 

On a 365-day journey through the Bible, discover topics that will have young girls saying 'That is SO me!' over and over and over again. Featuring interactive quizzes, activities, prayers, and journaling prompts.  This meaningful devotional is just for girls and tackles the issues that they face each day.  Use this girl-friendly guide to nourish an authentic self through the incredible example and gift of Jesus' life and teachings.

Each page/day will include:

- A verse or two of the Bible
- A few paragraphs on how it relates to YOU

- A section called "Do That Little Thing" with a suggestion that will help you put the verse to use.


Check out Nancy's website for young girls:

Listen to some great Podcasts from FaithGirlz!:



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