Family Radio CHRI

When you see something in someone, say something.

MondayMotivation 330Every Monday at 5:00 P.M. ET, Care Baldwin shares a Monday Motivation quote along with a message to encourage you in your life and faith. This week, she shares a quote inspired by a talk from Brandon Lake at the Momentum conference she attended last week.

"When you see something in someone, say something."

Read more for the audio replay + transcript of Care's message!


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Be Where You Are Today

MondayMotivation 330Every Monday at 5:00 P.M. ET, Care Baldwin shares a Monday Motivation quote along with a message to encourage you in your life and faith. This week, she shares a quote by Amy from BodyFit By Amy.


Read more for the audio replay + transcript of Care's message!


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Do You Have an Internal Monologue?

Untitled design - 2023-05-17T123946.092.pngDo you have an internal monologue? Did you know not everyone has one? It’s a phenomenon called Anaduralia. A topic that has come up a lot recently is our inner voice and self-talk. Having an inner voice is not typically a cause for concern unless it is often self-critical. So to keep negative self-talk out, turn off the news, step away from social media, and surround yourself with people who will speak life and encouragement to you. When you put good stuff in, your inner voice is good too!

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If I say, 'Yes, I forgive, but I cannot forgive”...then I know nothing of Calvary love.

MondayMotivation 330Every Monday at 5:00 P.M. ET, Care Baldwin shares a Monday Motivation quote along with a message to encourage you in your life and faith. This week, she shares a quote by Irish Christian missionary, Amy Carmichael.

"If I say, 'Yes, I forgive, but I cannot forgive,” as though the God, who twice a day washes all the sands on all the shores of all the world, could not wash such memories from my mind, then I know nothing of Calvary love."

Read more for the audio replay + transcript of Care's message!


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Brock & Care's Top Mental Health Books

BoUntitled design - 2023-05-09T165315.226.pngoks can act as trusted companions on our mental health journeys, helping us understand ourselves and others better, and offering guidance when we need it most. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to destigmatizing mental health issues and promoting emotional well-being.  On The Wednesday Bookmark, Brock and Care have spoken with authors and experts on the topic of faith and mental health and we have curated a list of their TOP books, including links to their interviews.

Remember, you are not alone on this path!

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The world will ask you who you are and if you don't know the world will tell you.

MondayMotivation 330Every Monday at 5:00 P.M. ET, Care Baldwin shares a Monday Motivation quote along with a message to encourage you in your life and faith. This week, she shares a quote by psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung.

"The world will ask you who you are and if you don't know the world will tell you."

Read more for the audio replay + transcript of Care's message!


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INTRODUCING theCODE, by Gerry Organ

Untitled design - 2023-05-05T140844.432.pngThis article was written by Gerry Organ of One Way Ministries and theCODE Ottawa.

Pastor Joseph Kiirya of River Jordan Ministries introduced me to the needs of many youth with whom he was acquainted both in his church and in the community. He also shared the plight of single Moms whose sons in various neighborhoods were being killed in night time interactions with others with handguns. One mother told us that she could not sleep at night knowing that her boys were still not home.

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Do It Afraid

MondayMotivation 330Every Monday at 5:00 P.M. ET, Care Baldwin shares a Monday Motivation quote along with a message to encourage you in your life and faith. This week, she shares one of her favourite quotes from Joyce Meyer.


Read more for the audio replay + transcript of Care's message!


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The Bane of Beauty

transcendentbeauty 2 330If 'beauty' is so good, and has the potential to 'save the world', why don't we see more evidence of that? Why do so many of us prefer not to pursue 'beauty' in our lives? Why do we often even prefer it's opposite? What is the opposite of this 'beauty'? Ugliness, of course!

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10 Joy Inducing Questions to Ask Yourself

Untitled design-17.pngHave you ever thought that the questions you ask yourself, either purposefully or subconsciously, can impact how you see your life and our world? Rachel shared these 10 Joy Inducing Questions to Ask Yourself on the Midday Mix this morning.


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